Apptoto Support

How do I change how long an assessment is on my booking page?

  1. Navigate to the “Booking Pages” tab.
  2. Click the booking page title you want to edit to access the booking page settings tabs.
  3. Once there, click the “Appointment Types” tab. 
  4. If you have one appointment type (Appointment Types = Single Option), update the "Appointment Length" field.  Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 2.03.43 PM.png
  5. If you have multiple appointment types (Appointment Types = Multiple Options), click the pencil (edit) icon next to the appointment type you want to update. Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 1.59.25 PM.png
    1. Change the Appointment Length field to your desired duration. Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 12.44.27 PM.png

  6. Click “Done" on the appointment type form.
  7. Finally, click “Save” in the upper right-hand corner of the "Appointment Types" tab to save all changes. 
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