Apptoto Support

How do I switch which Calendar Apptoto is using to book appointments on?

Eventually, you may need to switch which calendar Apptoto uses to book appointments.

In this case, you're telling Apptoto to no longer book appointments on the calendar associated with an old calendar and instead book them on a new calendar. Possible reasons you might want to do this are if the "old" email is compromised and no longer usable or if your Center's name has changed.

To do so:

  1. First, sync the new Calendar using the steps in this article: "How do I sync additional Calendars to Apptoto?"
  2. Next, navigate to the “Booking Pages” tab.
  3. Click the title of your booking pages to edit them.
  4. Click the “Availability” tab and find the “Calendar” field.
  5. Switch any "Calendar" synced to the “old” calendar to the new one.
  6. Click “Save" in the upper right-hand corner. 
  7. Repeat for all booking pages as needed.
  8. Navigate back to the “Settings” > “Calendars” tab. 
  9. Click the trash icon to the right of the “old” calendar to remove it from Apptoto.*


*IMPORTANT: Deleting the “old” calendar will cause any appointments on it to disappear. You may want to wait until all appointments booked on the “old” calendar have occurred or recreate all your appointments on the “new” calendar before deleting the “old” calendar from Apptoto.

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